Saturday, January 28, 2012

Remember me..

Rain drops filled with thoughts of you fall down on me day after day
I am drenched in your memory..

October: Remember how I took you to my school's Harvest dance? You took me hand and kissed my cheek and sang softly in my ear as we danced in each others' arms..Remember taking me outside and taking me under the tree and pulling me close to you and dancing with me under the stars without any music? Remember kissing me for the first time? I fell in love with you again this night. I called you mine this night and I was yours. 

Or how about the night that you took me to your school's Halloween play? We sat in the back corner and you held me in your arms the whole time. We went outside and lay on the grass and looked up at the stars together. You told me I was prettier than the brightest star in the sky. 

Remember when you came over for Halloween and we watched scary movies together and I cuddled into your arms every time I got scared? You scared me half to death too when you played the scary noise on your phone...I got so mad at you, but you pulled me back into your arms and kissed me sweetly and told me you loved me. 

November: Remember calling me randomly at night before I went to bed, just so you could tell me that you loved me and you missed me? Remember calling me on Thanksgiving to tell me that you wished I was spending the day with you and that you were thankful for having me in your life? I know I was thankful for having you. 

December: Remember how I came over to your house for Christmas Eve and we cuddled on your couch? You tickled me until I turned red. 2 months and happier than ever. You gave me a book and a dress. But, all I wanted was you. You took me home and walked me my door and you pulled me close to you and kissed me. You told me this was the best Christmas you'd ever had. 

January: Remember this? It was pouring rain when we walked out of the grocery store and you took my hand and we walked through the rain. We laughed and played. I would run away from you and you'd chase after me and wrap your arms around me and I would scream and giggle. By the time we got to my house, we were soaked but we didn't care. I was so scared you would think I looked hideous with my mascara running down my cheeks and my hair wet and messy. But, you surprised me by looking at me and smiling and saying, "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." 

February: Valentine's Day. I finally had someone to call mine. I had you. You came over to my house and gave me a bouquet of pink roses and bought me a beautiful pink dress. You took me out to lunch with you and your family. When you were taking me home, your family stopped at WalMart and we ran around and played. You chased me around the store and pretended to sword fight. I remember running down one aisle and you showed up on the other end. I screamed and laughed and tried to stop but I just slid 
 across the floor and slid into your arms laughing. I will never forget this day.  

March: It was the month of my birthday. I thought you wouldn't be able to come to my party, but you surprised me by coming. You were the greatest present I got. We played at the park and you held me in your arms. I love you.

April: It was our 6 month anniversary this month. Half a year that I had you in my life. Half a year that I've been so in love with you. Remember the video we made? I still have it. It makes me cry watching it because I know that's how we still should be. But, we aren't..In the video you told me you loved me and that if the world was ending you would save me from anything and wouldn't let anyone hurt's sad how you were the one who was supposed to protect me but yet you were the one to hurt me..

May: We were still happy. We were still in love, crazy as ever. You took me on a date to see anther of your school's plays again and we sat in the back again and I sat in your arms. After we sat under the stars again and I rested my head against your chest. I feel so safe in your arms...

I can't forget about being there for you on your birthday. We were singing Happy Birthday to you and after you blew out your candles, your whole family chanted "kiss her, kiss her!" I felt my face turn red but looked at me and smiled and you wrapped your arms around me and kissed me sweetly in front of your entire family and didn't care at all. I fell in love with you again that night. 

June: I almost died from my surgery and once I was home, you rushed over to see me. You didn't care that my eyes were blood shot red, you just held me tight in your arms and rocked me gently to sleep as we watched a movie together. 

Once I felt better, you took me to Lagoon a few weeks later and we had a blast. You lost my 30 dollars so to make up for it, you bought me the cutest stuffed animal tiger and we named him Noodles. I still have him and he's still my favorite because he came from you. 

July: Remember taking me to your Filipino Mass at the park in Salk Lake? Remember laying under the tree and falling asleep as we looked up at the clouds? I do. I remember. 

Remember sneaking off and sitting in the trunk area of your mini van and talking for hours about absolutely nothing but having the greatest time?  

August: You came over just to hang out. I was so happy to see you. We went to Dairy Queen to get an ice cream cone. I asked you if you wanted to try some of mine and when you went to go take a lick, I shoved it on your face a little. It was so funny. You did the same to me and then gave me kisses all over my face so it would be sticky. We sat there laughing for a long time and we didn't have a care in the world that people were looking at us. I'll never forget that. 

September: Homecoming. You asked me to go your homecoming. I was so excited because I've always wanted to go. My friends Kim and Karina helped me get ready and I remember you ringing our doorbell and coming inside my house. You walked up to my room to come get me and the moment you saw me, you smiled and said, "I'm going to have the most beautiful date tonight." 

We went out to dinner and had the most fun I'd had in a long time. I'll never forget going to this dance with you. 
The lights went dim and I remember you coming up behind me and tapping me on the shoulder and asking me to dance. I turned around and you held me close and we danced slowly in the dark. I felt like a princess and I had finally found my prince. 
On the final dance we danced slowly again and at the end you dipped me and kissed me and some people cheered and some clapped, some we didn't even know. You were sad that we didn't make royalty. But you were still my Homecoming King...

October: One year. One year that I got to show everyone that I was so in love with you.  On Halloween you came over and we watched scary movies again and we made haunted house gingerbread houses. We laughed and smeared icing on each others' faces. I miss that..I miss us..

November: I wasn't able to see you at all in November and I felt terrible. I missed you so much and I thought of you every single day. I still loved you.

December: I still missed you like crazy. It was a lonely Christmas and New Years without you. I still thought of you all the time. I still loved you.

January: You got upset with me, you thought I was purposely trying not to see you. How could you think that? How could you think I didn't want to see you? You asked me to your Jr. Prom on the 21st. I was so excited to go. But, you told me you didn't want to go anymore. You told me you didn't want me, you told me you didn't love me. How could you say that? How could you give me those words when you knew I would break? You have no idea how much you hurt me, but yet I still loved you.

I ran to you though, I ran into your arms and you promised me that you would never do that to me again. You told me you were so stupid for almost letting me go and that you loved me so much. Where is that guy that I fell in love with?

Two weeks later, you did the same thing to me again and I fell apart again. The next day I found out you had someone else...
I tried to fix it the first time. I only fixed it temporarily. But, you only can fix things so much...
And I can't fix it anymore. So, I just get to sit here and watch you walk out of my life and hold someone else...

It hurts because I know that we should still be together. It hurts because that girl you're holding should be me. That should be me...It hurts because you're healed, you are fine and I'm not. 

I still love you...I'll always love you...

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