Thursday, July 28, 2011

Only in fairy tales

Only in fairy tales, that's where you get to be loved forever and find someone who'll sweep you off your feet to take you to your happily ever after...but this is real life, where hearts break and you are the only one left to clean up the mess while others go on their way. And as they walk along, they kick you to the ground until you can't feel the pain any longer and you just sit there and watch everyone else enjoy themselves while you are dying inside...-Confessions of a lilly
Copyrighted by Leah


  1. This relates to me by far the most my dear WhiteLily

  2. i really like this! however, you must realize two things, one "Life is pain, Princess. anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something." Second is "it will always be better in the end, if it's not better yet, it's not the end." haha yup. that was incredibly contradictory, but oh well.

  3. Just a little thing I wrote about something that was bothering me and how I felt at that moment! That's how some people get their best work!
