Sunday, August 21, 2011

I need you to tell me what to do..

Dear Stranger,

What happened? Where did it all go? Was it all a dream? Or was I just imagining it all? Was I wishing for it to happen? Did I make it all up? Can you tell me? Because I obviously have no clue as what to do.

Although, you'll never see this I want you to know that you're not the one I used to know. I knew a gentle and caring guy, who worried too much about how I was doing.
He laughed when I laughed and he smiled just so he could see me smile back. I knew a guy that would look at me like I was the only girl in the world for him. And I wonder myself as to where he has gone. Sometimes, I wonder if he even existed at all.
Remember at the beginning of the school year, when we barely knew each other? How we never imagined we'd end up being where we ended? But, do you remember that we loved that? We loved that it surprised us both and we ended up falling for each other.
You claim you want to forget about everything, that it'll be easier that way. I believe you, in some ways at least.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you've changed so much..
You went from a guy that used to look at me like I was the only girl in your life, to a guy that won't even look at me at all....
You were a guy that would talk endlessly about anything and everything and now I can't get you to say anything at all.
You used to be someone I could read easily and now I don't even know what's going on in your mind.
You are a stranger to me now, but yet I can't stop loving you. That's what hurts the most.
So, Stranger, can you please forgive me if it takes more than time to forget about you? If I can't always pretend that you aren't constantly on my mind? Please, don't get angry with me if I sometimes crumble and try and reach out to you. I'm trying, I'm trying so hard...
But most of all, don't question as to why I still love you, why I still catch my breath when I see you even though it hurts. It's all just apart of the process and I'm achingly getting through.
Good bye, Stranger that I once knew. Remember the promise we once made that we would always love each other? I'll keep to that promise, I'll always silently love you.

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