Sunday, May 27, 2012


Silence. It's all I hear.
Alone, as I drown in my tears.
Can't you see?
That will show you.
That will make you hurt like me.
It's such a shame to let you walk away...
Words are spread saying we are better apart, that we don't fit together
I should have shut my mouth
Kept it all to myself
Because now my feelings have got me thinking I should be with somebody else..

Not In Her Storm

I see the clouds rolling in and oh how it looks like rain
And it is always I fight for the welcome change
When it rains it pours on this heart of mine
So, I take the storms I feel to her each time.

But I know she has lived under her own pouring rain
Yet under her water her heart still doesn't change
She can walk away from what hangs overhead
And, not in her storm, are words left unsaid.

Not in her storm have I ever felt alone
Her storm ends, so I, may find my way home
It's for me that she pushes away her own rain
So, that I may find comfort in calling her name.

She lives in this world for the sake of another's heart
God, how she eases the miles when worlds apart
And she never wanders when your world falls through
Not ever in her storm would she do this to you.

She has wings that I know not only I can see
Cause only an angel could find strength to carry me
It's the way that the eyes can surely view
How her heart's written so clearly in what an angel can do.

Not in her storm is her work ever done
And even in her storm she hands me the sun
When her world is dark - I always have light
And now how I hold the new color of night.

She takes then she gives to an unhappy face
So that many can find an awesome place
I have been able to love her more every day
And with her hand in mine the clouds roll away.

Not in any storm that I will ever live beneath
Could ever change what I hold here inside of me
Not in any of her storms have I lost my angels touch
To that angel out there, I love her so much.


My Best Friend


I cry myself to sleep with the thought of knowing that my best friend is in a safer place
But will always somehow be incomplete.

Her life was filled with love and laughter but soon enough it turned around to give her no
happily ever after.

And I know behind that smile and laugh is the pain and dread that keeps holding her back.

She has fought a good fight and even though she didn't win, to me she'll always be the champion of
a fight I know I couldn't win.

And in my heart she will always stay and now that she'll stay there always she may never be erased.

But if you look in her eyes and you look deep inside you can see the smile she reveals to you and you know now its okay to believe.

And at the end of each day if you give her a smile , you can hear my best friend say "don't cry because I know everything is going to be alright."

I Miss You

If you could see me right now
You'd probably tell me to stop crying
But if you only knew how much I miss you
You'd probably understand.

And every time I'm sure I'll be alright
I turn around and think of you
And my smile comes undone,
I know wishes won't bring you back
But its all I can do to stay strong.

But even though you're in my heart,
It's never the same as you being right there.

This all seems like a bitter dream,
And you're in a better place,
I know.

But maybe next time you're around here,
You could stop by and say "Hi!".
And maybe this time,
Can you please stay?

True Best Friends

Like a needle in a haystack,
true friends are hard to find.
That's why I'm so thankful that I can call you mine.
Whenever I need a shoulder you're there to catch my tears.
You've kept my many secrets,
Throughout the past four years.
You've been there through my afflictions,
You've witnessed my defeats.
I'll remember all the good times,
And pray the bad ones don't repeat.
With you my heart is honest,
but there's one thing I never told you.
Thank you for everything you've done
There's no one else like you.
No one that could ever be a
true "best" friend like you!

A Friend Like You

You are one of the best friends that I've ever had.
For the past nine years, you've known everything about me,
My secrets, my lies, my faults, my triumphs, my joys and my fears.
You know me inside and out; like the back of your hand.
I've never been as honest with anyone as I have been with you.

When I was weak, you were strong.
When I stumbled, you led the way.
When I was blind, you could see.
When I was silent, you spoke.

When I needed advice, you were there.
When I needed a shoulder to cry on, you were there.
When I needed someone to cheer me up, you were there.
When I needed a friend the most, you were there.

You've always been able to bring a smile to my face and make me laugh.
Through thick and thin, you've always been there for me.
Whenever I'm with you, I have a good time.
It seems like you always understand my feelings and identify with my thoughts.
When I first met you, I thought we'd be friends for life.

But now, something has happened.
I still don't understand it, really.
All I know is that you're slowly slipping away.
And soon, you'll be gone.
And there's nothing I can do about it.
Except hope and pray that
You'll somehow come back.

Don't leave me here all alone,
In this world full of hatred.
I fear so much, and confront so little.
I need you and your strength,
To be with me always.

Don't leave me here all alone:
Without a true friend, a real friend, a friend like you.

Secret Plea

In my heart and in my soul,
Please take my hand and let me know.
That though you are leaving , and you may never know.
How am I to tell you how much I love you so.
I cry these tears that no one sees, all our memories come crashing over me.
I feel you slipping away and there is nothing I can do, but hold on to the times I once had with you.
I regret the day where I look back and see the steps I counted when you walked away from me.
Behind this smile, he may never see, that in my heart is the way it still should be.
I sit here and wait for the day I again can call you mine, but until then I will be here watching the days pass by.
I know I have to say good bye. I know I do. But how do I say good bye when all I wanted to say was I love you.

I may be falling for you

The clouds role in and the sun fades away
I close my eyes and pretend to be okay
Then a thought of you comes to mind
It's funny how I think of you all the time
I don't know how to explain it
And I don't know the reasons why
All I can say is I've never felt this way inside
To you we're probably just friends
And the possibility of being more breaks and bends
And to you who may never know the feelings I have for you
But am too afraid to show
The clouds role away and the sun goes down
I can't help smiling every time that you are around
I think this is it , it may be true , I may be falling hard over you.

I wished..

This pain overwhelms me
The sadness deepens in my heart
I should have know you never felt this way
Even from the start.
I wished away the sadness
I wiped away the tears
Everything I once felt all seems to disappear
I put a smile on my face
That everyone is hoping to see
Wondering if they can still see what all this has done to me.
I look away from the truth
I choke on the lies
I turn away and try to ignore all these cries.
I wish none of this had been said I wish I could take it all back.
There is nothing left to say , it is very hard to do when you feel this way.

I am

I give you this one thought to keep-
I am with you still- I do not sleep,
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on the snow,
I am sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain,

When you awake in the morning's
hush, I am the swift uplifting rush,
of birds in song and flight. I am the
bright stars you glory in at night. A
moonrise, the setting sun. The trill
of a rushing stream, the quiet after
a winter storm.

Do not think of me as gone. I am with
you still, each and every day that you

Don't Let Me Think About You

I've got a picture of you that stays deep inside my heart and every time I close my eyes,
I see you,
I think that's the hardest part.
And all of our memories surround me night and day,
though it's hard for me to say.
I know that not a day goes by,
that I don't think of you and without you in my life,
I don't know what I'm going to do.
As the days pass by,
I know I'll always love you, but you had to be that mistake I had to make.
But as I step back and look at it all for a while,
I remember all the times that you would make me laugh and smile.
But I need to forget you now. Don't you see?
I need to let you go, and you need to let me be.
Although the thought sounds crazy.
And I need to stop going back to the what if's and the maybe's.
All this is in the past now, everything has changed.
Just don't let me think about you.
It would be easier that way.
We can go our separate directions and act like our lives haven't been rearranged.
Just don't let me think about you.
Please, don't let me think about you.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hazel Eyes

Can it even be possible to feel like this? 
I look into your eyes and I can hear my heart beat crazy for you.
If you'd let me I would look at you all day long. 
I can't go a moment without thinking about you or smiling about something you said. 
You're touch is so gentle and sweet, something I long for.
I pray that you end up in my dreams so that I can have something to smile about when I open my eyes.
I don't know what I did to end up with an angel like you, but I did and I can't believe it.
You're more than I could ever imagine and you seem like a prince from a fairytale.
I have fallen completely in love with you.
And for the first time, I feel like I am loving the way I'm supposed to be.
He makes me feel like I can trust myself.
He makes me feel like I can look in my mirror and tell myself that I am loved and for once, actually believe it
I love him for all the right reasons and I know my feelings will never change.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


You. I have known you for a long time, but we never really talked.
All that I have missed out on, I am now just realizing.
You have been the only one who can make me smile for weeks.
I never knew how quickly we would click and become such good friends
You are the best thing that has happened to me in a long long time.
You're the first one who has been able to make me nervous when I am with you
I want to be perfect for you, because you are perfect for me.
You make me forget about everything that I'm worried about and I never want to leave your side because I know the sadness will creep up behind me without you there.
You are my shield. You protect me.
Now, as for my heart, I can't say much..
I'm scared to let you in because I don't want to get hurt again
But just being with you heals me
I promised myself that I would never let anyone in and I would never fall for anyone
But I think I am going to have to hold off on that promise for now
Because I met someone,